Story Writing -The Fox and The Crow

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.
A crow had snatched a large piece of cheese from a windowsill and was now perched securely on a high tree, about to enjoy her prize. A fox spied the dainty morsel in her beak and.
A crow had snatched a large piece of cheese from a windowsill and was now perched securely on a high tree, about to enjoy her prize. A fox spied the dainty morsel in her beak and tried to think of a way to make it of his own.
“Oh crow!” he said, “how beautiful your wings are! How bright your eyes! How graceful your neck! Indeed, your breast is the breast of an eagle! Your claws- I beg your pardon, your claws are a match for all the beasts of the field. Oh, if only your voice were equal to your beauty, you would deserve to be called the queen of birds!”
Pleased by the flattery and chuckling as she imagined how she would surprise the fox with her caw, she opened her mouth and out dropped the cheese, which the fox promptly snapped up. Then, right before he departed, he cried out to the crow, “You may indeed have a voice, but I wonder where your brains are.”
Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree …….
The Fox and the Crow
There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree. He saw the crow taking a rest with the piece of meat in her beak. The fox said to himself,” I cannot climb up that high secretly and
snatch the piece of meat. Now if I can make the crow open up its beak somehow, the piece will drop down and it will be mine.” In an attempt to materialise his plan he thought of several devices and finally he got one which seemed very suitable. He decided to take to flattery. So he walked up to the foot of the tree, looked up and cried, “Good day Mistress crow. How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eyes. I feel sure that your voice must surpass in sweetness than that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of birds.” Each and every word that the fox uttered entered into the ears of the crow as the sweetest things of the world she had ever heard. She lifted up her head and began to caw her best. But the moment she opened her mouth the piece of meat fell to the ground only to be snapped by the fox.
“That will do. That was all I wanted. In exchange for your meat I will give you a piece of advice.” “No, that is not possible,” said the fox, “But I must give you the advice for the future: Do Not Trust Flatterers.” So saying the fox left the unhappy crow brooding over her foolishness.