Sufix and prefix: There goes a proverb, Bangladesh is a small country, Water is an important element, There are four skills to learn a language, Education is one of the,

101. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
There goes a proverb that health is wealth. A man with ill health has to drag a (a)painlife. In order to lead a (b)healthlife and remain (c)physical fit, he has to avoid (d)healthy food. It is (e)dangerto eat (f)poison food. None should drink (g)pure water. Because impure water is very (h)harmto health.
Answer: (a) painful (b) healthy (c) physically (d) unhealthy (e) dangerous (f) poisonous (g) impure (h) harmful
102.Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge (a) populate. Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their(b)child . Many poor children either drop out of school just after a few years or (c) simpledo not go to school at all. Despite this situation, we have far too many students to educate (d)compareto the number of institutions (e)avail. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But owing to (f)finance and resource constraints the (g) govern can not fine the requisite number of (h)educationinstitution.
Ans: (a) population (b) children (c) simply (d) compared (e) available (f) financial (g) government (h) educational
103. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Water is an important element of our environment. But it is polluted in (a) vary ways. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it. (b)farm use chemical (c) fertilize and insecticides in their fields .When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get (d)mix with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories also throw their (e) poison chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and they polluted the water. (f)sanitarylatrines and (g)safe drains standing on river and canals banks are also responsible for further (h) pollute
Answer: (a) various (b) farmers (c) fertilizers (d) mixed (e) poisonous (f) unsanitary (g) unsafe (h) pollution
104. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
There are four skills to learn a language (a) scientific. Writing is the (b)four skill. It is (c) essential important for those who take formal (d)educate. Those who do not go to schools and colleges for (e) institution education do not read and write, but they can learn the mother tongue. This is possible only because of listening and speaking. But in the case of a foreign language, the process is (f)differ. The (g)learn should learn it (h)methodical.
Answer: (a) scientifically (b) fourth (c) essentially (d) education (e) institutional (f) different (g) learners (h) methodically
105. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Education is one of the (a) base needs of a human being. It is essential for any kind of (b)–develop. The poor socio-economic condition of Bangladesh can be (c)large attributeted to most people’s (d) access to education. Many (e) literate people do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and population control. If they are educated they could live a (f) health and planned life. Education teaches us how to earn well and how to spend well. It (g)able us to make the right choices in life and to perform our duties properly. It enhances our ability to raise crops, store food, protect the environment and carry out social (h)responsible.
Answer: (a) basic (b) development (c) largely (d) inaccessibility (e) illiterate (f) healthy (g) enables (h) irresponsibilities