Sufix and prefix: Once upon a time there lived an old, Money is, The rapid, Truth is not, Education for girls,
76. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Once upon a time there lived an old (a) farm in a village. He had three sons. They were (b) quarrel They always quarreled with one another. Their father told them that (c) quarrel is a bad thing. (d) final he decided to teach them a good lesson. His e) decide was a good one. The sons come to the (f) realizethat they should not quarrel like that. The farmers become vary happy to see that there is no (g) understanding among his sons. Although they were (h) conscious about the importance of unity, they can now realize its importance.
Answer: (a) farmer (b) quarrelsome (c) quarreling (d) finally (e) decision (f) realization (g) misunderstanding ( h) unconscious.
77. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Money is a) sweetthan honey and it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our b)world Life. it cannot c)sure .All happiness. d)happy lies in contentment. People who are happy with what they have, are never e)happyPeople who are f)mental unhappy with what they have, are sure unhappy)moralitycannot bring peace’s)moral is always rewarded.
Ans: (a) sweeter (b) worldly (c) ensure (d) happiness (e) unhappy (f) mentally (g) immorality (h) morality
78. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
The rapid a) grow of population must be controlled) wise, all the attempts for the solution of food problem will fail. So, we have to increase our food production very c)rapid we may solve our food problem d)largeby charging our e)tradition Food habit. We can create a f)very in our menu. For example, we can take potato instead of rice. However, we cannot solve the problem g)less We increase our food h)product.
Answer: (a) growth (b) otherwise (c) rapidly (d) largely (e) traditional (f) variety (g) unless (h) production.
79. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not a)normal it is b)nature it c)sureThe spiritual peace of human mind. It d)powerour soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and e)lawful things are against the truth. We must speak boldly and f)clear g) kind is a condition of h) truthful.
Ans: (a) abnormal (b)natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful (f) clearly (g) kindness (h) truthfulness
80. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Education for girls is essential for the (a)better of the society’s (b)develop. In education for girls surely bring in greater (c)putEconomically because educated women can contribute more to the family than those who have no (d)school.Educated mothers are more (e)care to send their children to school and look after their health and nutrition. According to napoleon education of women is the (f)condition of (g)nation. Development. In Bangladesh, govt. should take more steps to educated he girls for progress and (h)prosper.
Answer: (a) betterment (b)development (c)output (d) schooling (e) careful(f) precondition (g) national (h) prosperity.