Changing Sentences for JSC Examination (46-50)

Changing Sentences for JSC Examination (46-50)

46. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)

(b) People of all ages enjoy the game. (Passive)

(c) At present cricket is the more popular game in our country. (Comparative)

(d) Cricket is enjoyed not only by the young but also by the old. (Affirmative)

(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but it’s standard is very low. (Negative) 

Ans: (a) What an exciting game cricket is!

(b) The game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

(c) At present cricket is more popular than any other game in our country.

(d) Cricket is enjoyed both by the young and the old.

(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not at all high.


47. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Health is wealth.(Interrogative)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.(Positive)

(c) A healthy poor man is not a liability to his family . (Affirmative)

(d) Everybody must be conscious of  health.(Negative)

(e) No other thing in the world is as valuable as health .(Comparative) 

Ans: (a) Isn’t health wealth?

(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.

(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family.

(d) Everybody cannot but be conscious of health.

(e) Health is more valuable than anything in the world.

48. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative)

(b) It always begets the worst. (Negative)

(c) Anger is one the most inhuman vices (Positive)

(d) We should control it for our own sake (Interrogative)

(e) An angry man is disliked by everybody .(active)

Ans: (a) Anger is only a vice.

(b) It never begets the best/It does never beget the best.

(c) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.

(d) Shouldn’t we control it for our own sake?

(e) Every body dislikes an angry man.

49. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

We achieved our freedom in 1971. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters .(Interrogative).

(b) There contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative) they where inspired by the common people

(c) There sacrifice is greater than any other kings (Positive).

(d) But today many of them land a very miserable life. (Negative).

(e) Proper initiatives many improve there condition .(Passive).

Ans: (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

(b) Their contribution will always be remembered.

(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.

(d) But today many of them can’t lead at all a peaceful life.

(e) Their condition may be improved by proper initiatives.

50. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Road accident are a curse.(Negative)

(b) They cause a great loss to life and property.(Interrogative) But these accidents occur due to a number for reasons.

(c) The drivers are more responsible than any other person for the accidents.(Positive)

(d) Most of them hardly known the traffic rules.(Passive)

(e) Most often they don’t care for the traffic rules.(Affirmative)

Answer: (a) Road accident are not a blessing .

(b) Don’t they cause a great loss to life and property ?

(c) No other person is as responsible as the driver for the accidents .

(d) The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them .

(e) Few of them care for the traffic rules.