Sufix and prefix: learning, One cannot become great, The present age, Money is the means of leading, All men are, Our educations

Sufix and prefix: learning, One cannot become great, The present age, Money is the means of leading, All men are, Our educations

111.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.

(a)Learn is a continuous process. We must be(b)preserve to acquire knowledge. But mere(c)book knowledge is not enough. Knowledge (d)lights our mind. It removes the (e) ignore of darkness. It (f)broads our outlook. It also helps us to lead a (g)prosper life free from (h) oppress.

Ans: (a) learning (b) persevering (c) bookish (d) enlightens (e) ignorance (f)broadens (g) prosperous (h) oppression

112.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

One cannot become great in life (a) automatic. For this one needs to labour (b) continue. If one labours (c) regular, one’s goal can never remain (d) steady and (e) patience, he is sure to face (f)hard in life.

Ans: (a) automatically (b) continuously (c) regularly (d) steadily (e) happily (f)hardly

113.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words  underlined in the text.    

The present age is marked not only by the importance of the family as an (a)economy and welfare (b)institute but also by its (c)increase importance as an (d)arrange for socializing and raising children and for the (e)physiologysupport of adults. There has been a wide (f)integrationof large kin groups and an (g)intensifyof (h)relation with the nuclear family. 

Ans: (a) economic (b) institution (c) increasing (d) arrangement (e) physycholgical (f) disintegration (g) intensification (h) relationship

114.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

Money is the means of leading (a) world life.(b)Short of money makes our life (c)deplore. We cannot lead our life (d)prosper in want of money. But there is(e)difficult in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f)dependon proper utilization of money, spending money in an (g)prosper way can lead us to the path of destruction. So we should be (h)care in spending money.

Ans: (a) worldly (b) shortage (c) deplorable (d) properly (e) difficulty (f) dependent (g) improper (h) careful

115.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

All men are (a)equal important. A man who has no ear for music need not try to be (b)music. One needs (c)ablewith figures to be an accountant. Again one needs (d) imagine to be a (e ) design. An engineer needs (f) technique skill. And we know that (g) creature and (h)original are more important than technical skill.

Answer: (a) equally (b) musician (c) ability (d) imagination (e) designer (f) technical (g) creativity (h) originality

116.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

Our educations remains (a)completeif we dot not learn good manners. In our behaviour with others we must be (b)respect with others. We should never (c) behave with anybody because our (d)conduct may hurt others. We should not create any (e) necessary quarrel with others. The (f) important of good manners is (g) measurable . (h)Real a man of good manners is a gentle man.

Ans: (a) incomplete (b) respectful (c) misbehave (d) misconduct (e) unnecessary (f) importance (g) immeasurable (h) really