Sufix and prefix: Our national flag, We cannot, Patience is a great virtue, Tree, kindness,

Sufix and prefix: Our national flag, We cannot, Patience is a great virtue, Tree, kindness,

106.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and a) sovereign.  It is also b)symbol of our integrity and solidarity.  Only c)territoryindependence without sovereignty is not the real independence.  Our national flag d)minds us of our  glorious existence.  It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration.  We  must e)hold its dignity.  It is a great pity that some f)treacherypeople live in this country but do not pay g)loyalto the sovereignty of the country.  They are really factors who worked against the war of h)liberate.

Ans: (a) sovereignty (b) symbolical (c) territorial (d) reminds (e) upholds (f) treacherous (g) loyalty (h) liberation

107.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.    

We cannot (a)ownanything good.(b)Good can be (c)attain by (d)do anything good. It is our(e)responsible to be good(f)mental .Our good (g)decide can lead us to the Zenith of success. We can become (h) success by doing all good deeds.

Answer: (a) own (b) goodness (c) attained (d) doing (e) responsibility (f) mentally (g) decision  (h) successful

108.     Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words  underlined in the text.    

Patience is a great virtue. A patient man faces (a) difficult (b) patient. He does not grow (c) patient Nothing is(d)possible for him. He does everything (e) slow. (f)Actual he leads a (g)comfort life. He is (h)care in all means

Ans: (a) difficulty (b) patiently (c) impatient (d) impossible (e) slowly (f) actually (g) comfortable (h) careful

109.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

Tree a) planis a must for b) ecologybalance. If trees are cut down and not planted c) proportionate the country will face more and more problems.  There should be laws so that the d) considerate people cannot cut down trees.  e)indiscriminate. Very often the f) editor desk of new paper write on the g)important of tree plantation and h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.

Answer: (a) plantation (b) ecology (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate (e) indiscriminately (f) editorial (g) importance (h) deforestation

110.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

(a) Kind is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) kind to the people in distress and even to(c) low animals. Some naughty boys (d) joy beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an(e) rational behavior. Animals can understand your act of kindness. If you are (f) friend with them, they can (g) real your kind behavior. As a result, friendship grows instead of (h) enemy.

Answer: (a) kindness (b) unkind (c) lower (d) enjoy (e) irrational (f) friendly (g)realize (h) enmity