Sufix and Prefix: Tree (a)plan, A school magazine, Price hike, A book fair, (a)Child is an important period of life

Sufix and Prefix: Tree (a)plan, A school magazine, Price hike, A book fair, (a)Child is an important period of life

46. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

Tree (a)planis a must for (b)ecologybalance. If trees are cut down and not planted (c)proportionate the country will face more and more problems. There should be laws so that the (d)consideratepeople cannot cut down trees.(e)indiscriminate. Very often the (f)editor desk of new paper write on the (g)importantof tree plantation and (h)deforestcause by many dishonest people.

Ans: (a) plantation (b) ecological (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate (e) indiscrimately (f) editorial (g) importance (h) deforestation


47. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is (a)patronby the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b)editor desk under the (c)guide of senior teacher.  A school cannot bring out an (d)inform magazine if the management is (e)efficient. Many a good (f)education institutions  bring out magazines (g)annual focusing the (h)creative of the young learners.

Answer: (a) patronized (b) editorial (c) guidance (d) informative (e) inefficient (f) educational (g) annually (h) creativities

48.Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.


 Price hike means the (a) usual increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Now a days, it is not an (b) common phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c) most responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) honest people store essential commodities with a view to making huge profit. As a result(e)deplore condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f)problem situation(g)agriculture sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h) aware should be raised against it.

Answer: (a) unusual (b) uncommon (c) mostly (d) dishonest (e) deplorable (f) problematic (g) agricultural (h) awareness

49. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.


 A book fair is an (a) exhibit where different types of books are displayed and sold. Now a days its (b)popular is increasing day by day. (c)Lucky I visited the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language (d) move. The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)author in the premises of the (f)institute. I found a (g)differenvironment in the fair and bought some (h)favour books.

Ans: (a) exhibition (b) popularity (c) luckily (d) movement (e) authority (f) institution (g) different (h) favourite

50. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.


(a)Child is an important period of life. It moulds the character of the (b)child. Children learn from their parents. But it is very (c) fortunatethat a huge number of children are working in various risky sectors. It is (d)basic a problem of the (e)develop country like Bangladesh. The child labours suffer from various diseases including (f)nutrition. Abusing children at this (g)mature age is a punishable crime. Poverty alleviation and (h)conscious among the common people can help minimize this problem.

Answer: (a) childhood (b) children (c) unfortunate (d) basically (e) developing (f) malnutrition (g) immature (h) consciousness