Sufix and prefix: A winter morning, Health is the, Bangladesh is the most, Our national flag, Trees are

Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a)hard seen if the sky is (b)cloud. Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy fog. The (c)hazy continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d) comfort for the rich while it is (e) comfort for the poor. However, winter is (f)favour for working hard. People can (g)go hard labor and those who work (h)physical do not get sweating and tired.
Ans: (a) hardly (b) cloudy (c) haziness (d) comfortable (e) uncomfortable (f) favourable (g) undergo (h) physically
42. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Health is the (a)sound of both body and mind. To posses good health, one must grow up (b) physical, mentally,(c)emotional as well as (d)social. You may be unsocial. Balanced (f) grow of our young (g)learn is essential in order to have (h)sound of both body and mind.
Answer: (a) soundness (b) physically (c) emotionally (d) socially (e) unusual (f)growth (g) learners (h) soundness
43. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is the most (a)densepopulated country of the world. She is also an (b) populated country. There are many countries which are small but not overpopulated. They are rather (c) population. We need (d) population to (e)move poverty, but we have no way other than birth control. In order to (f)popular birth control certain steps have been taken (g) pragmatic, but the result is not yet up to the level of (h)expect.
Answer: (a) densely (b) overpopulated (c) depopulated (d) depopulation (e) remove (f) popularize (g) pragmatically (h) expectation
44. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Our national flag is the symbol of our freedom and (a) sovereign. It is also (b) symbol of our integrity and solidarity. Only(c) territoryindependence without sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (d) minds us of our glorious existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and aspiration. We must (e)hold its dignity. It is a great pity that some (f)treacherypeople live in this country but do not pay (g)loyal to the sovereignty of the country. They are really factors who worked against the war of (h)liberate.
Ans: (a) sovereignty (b) symbolic (c) territorial (d) reminds (e) uphold (f) treacherous (g) loyalty (h) liberation
45. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Trees are (a)usepart of human environment. They are needed to (b)beauty our (c)surround. No one should cut down a tree (d)necessarilyor for any (e)important reason. Let us plan more and more trees. In the USA on one living in the (f)local can cut down any three without the (g)permission local authority even if he is the (h)ownof he tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too.
Ans: (a) useful (b) beautify (c) surrounding (d) unnecessarily (e ) unimportant (f) locality (g) permission (g) owner