Sufix and prefix: Robinson Crusoe, Happiness , Most of the people of our country, Most of our, Computer has brought

Sufix and prefix: Robinson Crusoe, Happiness , Most of the people of our country, Most of our, Computer has brought

96. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words  underlined in the text.                          

Robinson Crusoe was a famous (a) adventure. He wanted to be a (b) sail from his (c) boy. But his father did not like the idea at all. Rather he (d) courage him to be a (e) law. In course of time a (f) ship company offered Crusoe a job of a cabin boy. Crusoe (g) glad accepted the offer without having any second thought. How (h) courage he was 18

Answer: (a) adventure (b) sailor (c) boyhood (d) encouraged (e) lawyer (f) shipping (g) gladly (h) courageous

97. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.                                  

Happiness is (a) knownas a relative term. It means the (b) contentof mind. It is also said that the health is the root of all (c) happy. A sick (d) money man is not as a poor (e) health man. So we should take physical exercise (f) regular. Physical exercise keeps or gives us (g) fit. Moreover, it makes us (h) discipline.

Answer: (a) well-known (b) contentment (c) happiness (d) moneyed (e) healthy (f) regularly (g) fitness (h) disciplined

98. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.                                                         

Most of the people of our country are (a) literate. They lead an (b) planned life. They do not have much (c) know about health, sanitation and (d) populatecontrol. So the government should take constructive steps (e) immediate, to remove (f) literacy. Otherwise, our country will be (g) able to stand up right in front of other (h) developcountries.


Ans: (a) illiterate (b) unplanned (c) knowledge (d) population (e) immediately (f)illiteracy (g) unable (h) developing


99. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.                                                

Most of our (a) examinecannot write out their examination papers (b) fair well. As they cannot (c) stand the questions (d) proper, they often beat about the bush and (e) lengththe answers (f) necessarily. But their answers should have (g) accurate and (h) precise.

Answer: (a) examinees (b) fairly (c) understand (d) properly (e) lengthen (f) unnecessarily (g) accuracy (h) precision

100. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words  underlined in the text.

Computer has brought about a (a) revolution change in our life. But it was not invented (b) night. Many (c) science are still working tirelessly to (d) grade it. Now it is also being used in the (e) education institutions. (f)Today, the multinational companies and (f) organize seek for candidates who have computer knowledge. Where ever we go or we do, we just cannot (g) regard the importance of (h) compute in 21st century.

Answer: (a) revolutionary (b) overnight (c) scientists (d) upgrade (e) educational

(f) organizations (g) disregard (h) computer