25 Common & Important Complain Letter for All Class
here we have published 25 Common & Important Complain Letter for All Class. Students will be able to learn easily

1.You are Alli / Aliya, living at Mirpur -1, Dhaka. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner, complaining about the rising incidents of chain snatching and pick-pocketing in your area.
Mirpur -1,
February 16, 2020
The Police Commissioner
Civil Lines
Rajpura Road
Delhi – 110007
Subject: Complaint about chain snatching and pickpocketing
I wish to draw your kind attention towards the rising incidents of chain snatching and pickpocketing in our area, i.e., Mansarovar Garden. This is a comparatively newly populated colony and far away from the police station.
The criminals move freely and run away after committing the crime. It appears that some criminal gang has become active in our area. The feeling of insecurity is growing among the residents.
I request you to take immediate steps to nab the culprits so that the situation improves and the confidence of the residents is restored. I hope you will take the needed action.
Yours faithfully
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2.You are Sumit Arora, Secretary, Welfare Association, Qutab Enclave, Dhaka. Write a letter to the Asstt. Commissioner of Police complaining about the deteriorating law and order situation in your locality.
Welfare Association Office
Qutab Enclave, Dhaka.
Mar 02, 2020
The Asstt. Commissioner of Police
South Zone, Dhaka
Subject: Complaint about deteriorating law and order situation in Qutab Enclave
I want to draw your kind attention towards the deteriorating law and order situation in Qutab Enclave.
There are gambling dens in many houses in the locality. The anti-social element is increasing. There are many cases of eve-teasing, chain-snatching, day-time robberies and thefts. The young loafers can he see making cat-calls, whistling and passing dirty remarks on young girls. If an elderly person objects, they use abusive language and insult the person.
Thus the honour, life and property of the peace-loving citizens are in danger. I, therefore, request you to take proper action and restore law and order in the locality. I hope, you will look into the matter personally and do the needful at your earliest.
Yours faithfully,
Sumit Aron,
The Secretary, Welfare Association
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3.You are Madhuri/Manohar Singh, living at 131, Noor Nivas, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi. Your colony has been facing monkey-menace for the last six months. Drawing attention to the injuries caused to the residents, write a letter in 100-120 words to the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation, requesting him to tackle this problem as early as possible.
131, Noor Nivas,
Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi.
February 18, 2020.
The Commissioner,
MCD, Delhi.
Subject: Monkey-menace in our locality
I write this to draw your immediate attention to the problem of monkey-menace being faced by our colony for the last six months. They can be seen everywhere on the wails: windows, terraces, etc. They throw away things and tear off clothes. Small kids are scared at their sight.
Monkeys follow school-going children. Many a time they have had a narrow escape of their bites. They snatch milk packets, fruit packets from people. If they manage to get entry into the rooms, they take no time to tamper with the things. We daren’t show them away.
I hope you’ll look into the matter immediately and take necessary action to drive them away from the colony.
Yours faithfully,
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4. Rajesh Mundra of 49 Hudson Lanes, Delhi, bought a colour TV-set from M/s Gupta Electronics, Kamla Nagar, two months ago. He finds that the set is not up to the mark; its sound is not clear and the picture changes to black and white every now and then. The trouble started about 15 days ago. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the TV-set and requesting him to send his engineer to rectify the defect and if there is any manufacturing defect, the dealer should replace it with a new TV-set.
Ans. 49, Hudson Lanes
March 04, 2020
The Dealer
M/s Gupta Electronics
Kamla Nagar, Delhi.
Subject: Complaint about the TV-set
This is with reference to the purchase of a Citizen colour TV-set from your outlet against Cash Memo no. 123 dated August 2. For about a month and a half, it worked well. But about 15 days back the TV-set started giving trouble.
It is not working properly. Its sound is not clear and the picture changes to black and white every now and then. There appear stars and lines on the screen.
The set has one year’s warranty against any technical defect. I request you to send your engineer to attend to it and rectify the defect. If he certifies that there is some manufacturing defect, I request you to replace the set with a new one.
Yours sincerely,
Rakesh Mundra
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5. Write a letter to M/s Radha Krishna Publications, 2, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj New Delhi, complaining about the parcel of books which you have received in a damaged condition.
35, Daya Basti
March 04, 2020
M/s Radha Krishna Publications, 2
Ansari Road Darya Ganj
New Delhi.
Subject: Complaint about damaged parcel.
I am very sorry to point out that the parcel of books dispatched by you has arrived in a damaged condition. Your dispatch section has not packed the books properly.
The parcel was torn and the books were damaged. Two of the ten books were completely torn. In one of them, ten pages are missing. Three books had their covers tone.
You are requested to take the books back at your cost and send me the books in good condition in a properly packed parcel.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Bharat Bhushan Khanna
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6. You bought a wristwatch, having one year guarantee, but it is not properly working only after a month. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, HMT Sales Depot, Parliament Street New Delhi, asking for a replacement.
Hints: A wrist watch purchased last month, not functioning properly, request for a replacement.
1415, Lodhi Road Complex,
New Delhi.
February 27, 2020
The Sales Manager,
HMT Sales Depot,
Parliament Street,
New Delhi.
Subject: Complaint against watch
I purchased a wrist watch from your depot only last month. It carried one year guarantee. But regrettably, it has not functioned properly since the day I purchased it.
I thought that it would be alright after two-three days. But it is out of order. It shall be kind on your part if you replace this piece with some good one so that it does not cause me any more inconvenience.
I may be confident that I have purchased a good watch.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully,
Rupa Rani
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7. You are Sundaran living at 234/B-1 Janak Puri, N. Delhi. You purchased a coloured TV from Mode Electronics, Karol Bagh, N. Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager complaining about the TV that is not functioning properly. Ask for the replacement.
234/B-1 Janakpuri
January 01, 2020
The Manager
Mode Electronics Karol Bagh,
Subject: Complaint about the improper functioning of the TV Set
I purchased a Videocon colour LED TV with remote control on the 20th Sept 2016 from your shop vide cash memo no. 450. It has one year warranty and I have the warranty card with me.
I regret to inform you that the day I got it installed, it is not functioning properly. It loses colour many times. The picture often flickers, even the sound is not clear most of the times, I think there is some manufacturing defect in it as the technician you sent could not set it right.
Kindly replace the TV set at your earliest. Please check the set properly before delivering it.
Yours truly,
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8. You bought two shirts from M/s Perfect Clothiers, Kamla Nagar, Delhi. On unpacking, you find, to your surprise, that both the shirts have faded patches. Moreover, the stripes are not in lines and due to this, the shirts look shabby. Write a letter of complaint to the manager asking for a replacement at their cost. Sign yourself as ABC.
Ans. 4/1, Preet Vihar
New Delhi
February 29, 2020
The Manager
M/s Perfect Clothiers
Kamla Nagar, Delhi.
Subject: Complaint against shabby shirts
This is with reference to the purchase of two shirts from your store vide Cash Memo No. 0101 dated August 3, 20xx amounting to 3000. The salesman did show me good shirts and I asked him to pack the pieces. I took the packet and made the payment. Yesterday, when I opened the packet, I found that the shins were not those which I had selected. These shirts have faded patches and their stripes are also not even.
I personally feel that the salesman gave me the wrong shirts by mistake.
I request you to replace the shirts with the ones I had selected. The shirts I selected have a blue coloured round ‘logo’ on the pockets.
Yours sincerely,
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9. Write a letter to the Municipal Corporation complaining about the inadequate parking facilities in Commercial Street in Nehru Place, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You are Sahil/Sanya Mahajan.
383, New Friends Colony
New Delhi
February 03, 2020
The Municipal Corporation
New Friends Colony
New Delhi
Subject : Inadequate Parking Facilities in the Commercial Street
I would like to bring to your notice the parking problems in Commercial Street in Nehru Place, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. With the rising population in the city, there is also a corresponding increase in the number of vehicles and huge increase in the demand for land for parking.
Commercial Street in Nehru Place is the busiest commercial place. The greatest problem people encounter here is the facility for parking which is not available. It causes traffic jams and other related problems. This was brought to the notice earlier as well and two plots were bought for constructing multi-level parking area a year ago. But no progress has been made so far.
The issue has not been taken seriously and now the situation is such that it needs to be addressed seriously and effectively. I request your officials to wake from their slumber and apathy and help people in the hour of their greatest need.
Yours truly
Sahil Mahajan
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10. Injuries and death taking place due to underage driving are being reported almost every day. Write a letter to the Commissioner of Traffic Police asking him to be very strict in such cases and also take necessary steps to stop this practice. You are Abha/Abhinav, P-37, Suman Apartments, New Delhi.
P-37, Suman Apartments,
New Delhi.
March 01, 2020
The Commissioner,
Traffic Police,
Subject: Accidents due to an underage driving
I want to bring to your kind notice the increasing number of newspaper reports about the fatal accidents due to negligent driving by teenage children who are not even eligible for driving licence.
It appears that some irresponsible I parents allow their children to drive their vehicles. The young ones in their excitement indulge in rash driving. They have neither enough knowledge nor experience to handle the controls of the vehicle. Moreover, when they suddenly encounter a Person, animal or obstacle, they get confused, lose self-control and make a faulty move resulting sometimes, into fatal accidents.
I request you, sir, to punish such faulters strictly so that they don’t dare to indulge in good practices in future. I also request you to launch an awareness campaign to make the general public aware that in such cases parents will also be punished. Instruct the traffic guards to check the licence of drivers who seem underage. Please take any other necessary steps to stop underage driving. Hoping for necessary action,
Yours faithfully,
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11. Write a letter to the Local Municipal Corporation complaining about the dirty locality causing the malaria epidemic in your city. State the causes and suggest ways to deal with the problem.
Ans:- 70/D 23, Model Town
February 26, 2020
The Chairman
Municipal Corporation
Subject- Complaint regarding insanitary conditions of locality causing malaria epidemic in the city
As a responsible citizen, I would like to bring to your notice about the malaria epidemic in our city. Roads are uncleaned for days together by the scavengers resulting in the accumulation of garbage here and therefrom which bad odour is emitting always which is engulfing the entire area. Moreover, the drains in our locality are not covered and they remain waterlogged.
Hence, they have become an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. It has thus resulted in malaria which has sprung in epidemic form in the area. Most painfully I have to mention here that our repeated request to the local civic authorities has failed to evoke any response from them for the redressal of the pathetic situation.
To improve the condition, the drains need to be cleared regularly. People should be made aware of the necessary precautions against the disease and the measures they should adopt. Free health camps should also be set.
Yours sincerely
Ravi Shankar
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12. Samandar Pal & Sons of Meston Road, Lucknow, have not paid you Rs. 17,280 for steel furniture supplied to them on August, 20…… Write to them a letter of complaint about non-payment of dues. Sign yourself as ‘somebody’.
Ans:-Perfect Steel Furniture Co.
March 04, 2020
M/s. Samandar Pal & Sons
Meston Road,
Subject: Complaint about Non-payment of Dues
We want to remind you of your Order No. 980-86, dated 2nd Aug., 20…, for the supply of 1300 chairs and 350 tables, which were supplied to you on 28th Aug., 20… It is sorry to say that the cost of the furniture i.e., Rs. 17,280/- has not been realised by us though we have reminded you of it time and again.
You know it very well that we charge reasonable rates from our customers. The profit margin is quite small. We are doomed to lose if we have customers like you. We have always co-operated with; you should also realize our situation and position.
We hope that you will make the payment within a fortnight positively; otherwise, we shall be compelled to charge interest at market rates and seek the help of our legal adviser.
Yours faithfully
ABC, Manager
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13. Your cousin is missing from home. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your locality, requesting him to trace your cousin. Give all relevant details that may help the police department.
Ans:- H.No. 233, Shakti Nagar
Amritsar, Punjab
February 19, 2020
The Superintendent of Police
Police Station No. 5
Amritsar, Punjab
Subject Complaint Regarding Missing Boy
This is to lodge a complaint regarding my missing cousin, Mayank Talwar, twenty-one years of age, studying in Punjab Technical College, Amritsar. He went to his college yesterday morning and did not return. All the family members are in a state of shock at his uncanny disappearance.
In spite of all our endeavours, we have been unable to resolve the mystery of my missing cousin. Some witnesses have informed us that he had a plan of accompanying some of his friends to Shimla. In case, we come to know of any new development related to the case, we would surely inform you.
I would be very grateful if you could kindly pursue the matter with the utmost urgency. My family and I would only be too glad to provide whatever help that might be necessary.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Shivam Arora
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14. You are Kishan Pratap of M. S. Nagar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the S.H.O., Central Market, Jaipur, complaining about bad law and order situation in your area.
16 M.S. Nagar
18 April 200—.
The S.H.O.
Central Market
The law and order situation in our area has gravely deteriorated during the past few months. Hardly a day passes when there is no incident of rowdyism. Some unsocial elements have sprung up in the absence of an effective check on them. They also extort money from petty shopkeepers in the area. Nobody dares to stand against them because of some musclemen at their back. They feel free to do any damn thing they like. They tease young girls going to or coming back from their school or college. People have started suspecting that some policemen are patronising them. It may not be true but the fact remains that these people have become big trouble and nuisance for the residents. It is requested that some hard steps should be taken to curb the activities of these elements.
Yours faithfully
Kishan Pratap
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15. Recently you have come to know that an open and well-maintained park of your area will soon be converted into a shopping complex. The proposal of the shopping complex is ready for permission of the Commissioner. Write a letter in 100.120 words to the Commissioner of MCD requesting him not to disturb the park which is the only open space in your area and suggest the alternative space for the shopping complex. You are Vineet/Vineeta living at Paradise Apartments, Raj Vihar, Delhi.
Vineet, Paradise Apartments,
Raj Vihar, Delhi.
February 14, 2020
The Commissioner,
MCD, Delhi.
Subject: Problems of converting the park into an area for a shopping complex
I write this to bring to your kind notice that the park which is tastefully developed and carefully maintained is going to be converted into a shopping complex. The proposal is ready to be submitted to you for permission.
Sir, I, on behalf of the residents, appeal to you that this proposal will go against the interest of the public of this area. This is the only green patch away from the pollution of traffic where we can enjoy the fresh air, greenery after a stressful day of life.
It is a matter of our health. Shopping complex can be constructed at the space near the District Centre which is on the main road. I am sure you will consider our request favourably.
Yours faithfully,
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16. Naveen Chaudhri of 105, Batty Road, Patna bought an HP Desk Jet 200 Printer from The Computer Centre, the sole dealer of Hewlett Packard at Ranchi, for use with his newly acquired personal computer, a month ago. Now he finds that the print quality Is poor and the ink nozzles of the print cartridge get frequently clogged. The printer has been given one year warranty against any technical fault. Now write a letter as Naveen Chaudhry to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to attend to it.
105 Bally Road
20 October 200—.
The Manager
The Computer Centre
68 Halley Road
Subject — HP Desk Jet 200 Printer
Dear Sir
I was given to understand that you are the sole dealer of Hewlett Packard at Ranchi. I purchased the above-said printer from your Computer Centre, for use with my newly acquired personal computer. a month ago. It has worked well for a few days. But now I find that the print quality is poor and the ink nozzles of the print cartridges get frequently clogged. I would like to mention that the printer has been sold on one year’s warranty against any technical fault.
I request you, with regret, that you should take care and test well a machine before handing it over to a customer. In my case, please get this printer repaired or replaced without delay so that my work does not suffer.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Naveen Chaudhri
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17. Write a letter to the S.H.O. of your locality, complaining about the theft of your Maruti 800 car.
275, Urban Estate
March 04, 2020
The S.H.O.
Kamal Police Station (City)
Subject: Complaint about Maruti 800 car theft.
I wish to lodge a report about the theft of my Maruti 800 car. I lost this car from the Sarafa Bazaar of Kamal. At about 10.30 in the morning, on 7th Oct. ……………, I went to the bazaar to make some purchases. I parked my car outside SareeSansar and went in to buy some clothes. When I came after half an hour, I found the car missing.
I made enquiries from some vendors and the neighbouring shopkeepers. But nobody could give me any clue about the car. The number of my car is CH-01-2579.
You are requested to trace the car and restore it to me.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Devinder Kumar
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18. You are Amit/Amita, a student of class X in Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Mori Gate, Delhi. On your way to school, you have seen that a gang of pick-pocket freely boards the bus; they not only rob the passengers but also threaten them to keep their mouths shut. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Commissioner of Delhi Police bringing this problem to his notice for immediate action.
Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Mori Gate,
February 23, 2020
The Commissioner of Police,
Subject: Snatching and pick-pocketing in the buses
I would like to draw your kind attention to the problem of pick-pocketing in the buses in Delhi. While commuting to and fro from my school at Mori Gate, I often find that a gang of 4-5 people boards the bus and they quietly cut the pockets of three or four passengers and get down the bus at the next stop.
If any of the passengers happens to see them committing a crime and tries to raise an alarm, they threaten him/her with a knife in hand. The bus conductor pays no heed to their behaviour and remains busy in issuing the tickets.
Sir, it is a matter of great concern. If it is not checked on time, it will affect adversely the law and order situation in the city. Kindly look into the matter and take the necessary action as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
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19. You are Ansi man / Bashi staying at 8, Kakatya Nagar, New Delhi. Last month, you bought a video-camera from the ‘Ultra Modern Electronic House’, Abids, Hyderabad against a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with this camera. It doesn’t work for more 167 than 30-40 seconds at a stretch. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about this problem. Also, request him to replace this defective piece against the warranty that goes with it.
8 Kakatya Nagar
New Delhi
11 March 2003
M/S Ultra Modern Electronic House
Abids, Hyderabad
Subject—Defects in a recently purchased Video-Camera
Dear Sir
I bought a video-camera from your Electronic House last month. I bought it against cash memo no. 1786 dated 17.2.2003, and it has a two-year warranty. It is hardly one month since I bought the camera and have used it only a couple of times. But now I discover that there is something gravely wrong with this camera. It doesn’t work for more than 30-40 seconds at a stretch. I’ve to keep pushing the button, again and again, to have it going on. It is requested that the defective piece should be replaced immediately since I’ve to cover some important functions with it in the coming week Please have the camera replaced at your earliest and oblige.
Yours faithfully
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20. t has been observed that the persons working in houses for cleaning, washing and cooking are involved in acts of crime in Delhi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Commissioner of Police, Delhi drawing his attention towards this problem for necessary action. You are Ashmit/Ashmita, living at D-41 2i 2, Manvi Apartment, Delhi.
Manvi Apartment,
March 05, 2020
The Commissioner of Police,
Subject: Criminal activities of domestic help
I would like to draw your kind attention to the increasing number of crimes in the city in which household workers are found involved. Life of a common man in his own house is unsafe. Keeping in view the magnitude of the problem, some measures must be taken to check it.
The common man must be made aware of the seriousness of the problem through media and his responsibility in handling the situation. The identity and background of household workers should be registered with the police. People must check their records before engaging them.
I am sure our lives will be safer if necessary measures are taken by the police as well as the public.
Yours faithfully,
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21. You are Pushpa of Trivandrum. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the non-availability of essential commodities at the fair-price shop of your locality.
Ans:- 14 Balmik Colony
March 16, 2020
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub:- Complaint About A Fair-Price Shop
Through the editorial column of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities regarding A Fair-Price Shop
The fair-price shop in our area is ‘fair’ in name only. For what is the use of a fair-price shop if it doesn’t have those essential commodities which it is supposed to provide for the poor people. The owner of this shop is a very rude and dishonest person.
Whenever the ration-card holders approach him for wheat, sugar, or oil, he always says that the supply has not been received. There is no way to ascertain whether he is telling the truth or not. People have to go back to grumbling. They can’t understand why the thing is not available at the fair-price shop when it is easily available in the black market. No inspector of the Food Supplies Department has ever visited the area to know the facts. People think that all the officials from top to bottom, are mixed up in this scandal. Only a thorough probe can bring ugly facts to light.
Yours truly
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22. To the postmaster about the non-receipt of a parcel.
737, Shorn Kothi,
SubziMandi, Delhi-7
Jan. 28, 2000
The Postmaster,
Head Post office,
MalkaGanj, Delhi – 7.
Sub: Non-receipt of a Parcel
Messrs Deep Chand and Sons, Saharanpur Road, Ambala sent me a Parcel through the post. The parcel contained valuable books and two mini Oxford dictionaries. These were very costly books of rare quality. When I complained to the firm about the non-availability of the parcel of the books ordered by me last month, they were extremely puzzled. As a proof of their despatch of the valuable payable parcel, they have sent me the Photostat copy of the cash memo. This copy shows my name and address.
It also gives the detail of the books ordered by me. The date of the issuance (the work of issuing) is shown as 12-12-1989. The firm has also sent me the original Postoffice receipt as a confirmation of the despatch 01 the parcel.
It all satisfies that the parcel has been registered and mailed to my address. I am sorry to point out that it has been lost in the transit. It is a very precious parcel. It has books which are of great importance to me. My examination is drawing near. These books of the parcel were to help me in the preparation of the examination. Due to non-receipt of i9I am put to a lot of hardship. Finding no other way out, I approach you through this letter and request you to search the parcel in your post office.
I fail to understand how this registered parcel has been misplaced in the regular mail. Please make an early inquiry and investigation and send me a satisfactory reply.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Ashok Kumar Sanduja
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23. Protecting female students and senior students from lawlessness
March 01, 2020
The S.H.O.
Mattencheri Police Station
Sub: Protecting female students and senior students from lawlessness
Sir,It pains me to express my strong resentment and anguish against the bad law and order situation prevailing in Mattencheri Residential Colony of Cochin.
The need of the hour is to take effective and prompt actions to maintain peace and harmony in the area.
Yours faithfully
James Mathews
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24. As the Manager of Cricket Club of your town, you had purchased some cricket equipment. Some of the articles have been found defective. Write a letter to the firm that made the supplies, asking them to replace these defective articles or refund their cost.
Hints: Articles supplied hardly conform to sample; Cricket balls of inferior quality, Cricket bats have cracks.
6, Eden Garden
February 17, 2020
M/s Onam Sports Trading Co.,
Shahi Bazaar,
Subject: Complaint against defective Cricket Equipment
It was so nice of you to promptly supply us with the cricket equipment for which we had placed the Order No.18, dated 15th Nov., 20… But, it is sorry to point out that the articles sent to us hardly conform to the samples, we were shown by you.
Out of the six dozen cricket balls, almost half are of inferior quality and four out of ten cricket bats have got cracks. I think it is due to the negligence on the part of your packing section.
You are requested to replace the defective articles at your own cost or refund their cost. Yours truly,
National Cricket Club, Kolkata.