E Learning Paragraph For SSC HSC
Here we have published E Learning Paragraph For SSC HSC. Student can Read and learn this paragraph from our website.

After reading the paragraph You will be able to learn these questions:
1. What is e-learning?
2. Why is e-learning important?
3. What is the e-learning platform?
4. What are the advantages of e-learning?
5. What are the benefits of e-learning?
E-Learning Paragraph in 200 Words
E-learning means learning online through content or video lesson. It is the modern education system of electronics technology is called electronic learning or e-learning. The development of technology around the world has touched the education system.
With the touch of technology, the world is changing every day. It has broken many traditional rules. Just like school means what we understand? Row by row classrooms, blackboards or a room full of the student.
Through e-learning, now students can take their lessons from anywhere. In addition to receiving education, teaching has become a relatively easy task now.
There are thousands of learning videos, courses, and tutorials on YouTub alone. Khan Academy, Udemy, and Coursera are some of the world-famous e-learning platforms. In Bangladesh, 10minuteschool and BDclass are two popular e-learning websites.
There are many advantages of e-learning. We can learn anything from our home with the help of the internet, mobile and computer.
One of the major benefits of e-learning courses is that it keeps pace with the ages. One of the most interesting things about e-learning is that I don’t have to be in the classroom to attend classes.
The importance of this is increasing day by day. We should also take the benefits of e-learning seriously.
Paragraph Name: E-learning
Answer: E learning the use of electronic media and communication technologies in education. Bernard Luskin a pioneer of e- learning says that the’e’ should be interpreted to mean “exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent,and educational and ” in addition to Electronic. E- learning includes numerous types of media for delivering text, audio, images, animation and streaming video etc. E-learning can occur in or our of the classroom. It is suited to distance learning and flexible learning. There are many advantages in online and computer based learning when compared to traditional face-to face courses and lectures. Class work can be scheduled around work and family. It reduces travel costs for students. Students can study anywhere, if they have access to a computer and internet connection. Students may select their level of knowledge and interest. They can develop knowledge of the Internet and computer skills that will help learners throughout their lives and careers. Successful completion of online or computer-based courses builds self=knowledge and self-confidence the students. There are a few disadvantages as well. Learner with bad study habits may fall behind. Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates. Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help. However,in addition to traditional learning, e- learning can help learners in many ways.
English Word Meaning in Bangla: communication- যোগাযোগ, media- মাধ্যম, interpret- ব্যাখ্যা করা, numerous- বহু/অসংখ্য, type- ধরন, image- ছবি, streaming- প্রবাহিত, occur- ঘটা, in or out- বাইরে ও ভিতরে, compare- তুলনা করা, select- বাছাই করা
E-learning refers to various kinds of electronic media and information and communication technology in education. It includes air forms of educational technology supporting learning and teaching. In this process, students must be first equipped with basic knowledge of technology such as computer, the Internet, etc. This learning also provides the learners and teachers with text, radio, images, animation and streaming video. It can occur in or out of class. It can be self-paced, asynchronous or synchronous learning. But it can also be face-to-face learning. That is, it can be done in a conventional way with the support of technology. So, e-learning is the latest and most refined mode of education which is basically processed through an electronic device in general and the Internet in particular. Dr. Badrul Huda Khan, an eminent educationist in Bangladesh, is one of the theorists and thereby one of the pioneers of e-learning in our country. In fact, Dr. Khan has given his well-thought of concept in Bangladesh. E-learning is totally different from conventional learning. In this system, a tutor can answer the question of a learner even when he is on board a flight to a distant country. In e-learning, everything from admission to certification is completed electronically through computer and the Internet technology in a virtual campus. E-learning is digitalized and conducted by a system called Learning Management System (LMS). The revolutionary concept of e-learning is in its initial phase in many countries of the world. Its prospect is bright in Bangladesh. We expect the south Asian's first virtual university here.
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