Paragraph Tree Plantation For Class 6 to 12

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on “Tree Plantation”.
- (a) What does a tree do for us?
- (b) What happens if there were no trees?
- (c) What is the effect of the loss of trees?
- (d) What should be done to save mankind?
- (e) How can be made the earth greener, cleaner and safer?
- (f) What part do people play in protecting trees and increasing forests?
- (g) Why should we plant trees?
- (h) When and should we plant trees?
- (i) How should we take care of trees?
- (j) What should the government do in this regard?
- (k) Why is tree plantation important?
- (l) How does it maintain ecological balance?
- (L) How can we make the tree plantation programme a success?
Tree Plantation (বৃক্ষরোপণ)
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants on a large scale. The purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life. Trees are very Important because they serve many useful purposes. We get flowers, fruits, fuel and timber from trees. Trees make air fresh and improve the environment. They save us from natural calamities like drought, storms, floods etc. If there were no trees, life could not exist on Earth. Because they produce most of the oxygen that humans and wildlife breathe. Besides, there will be no rain without trees and the country will turn into a desert. So trees are a valuable asset to a country. According to the environmentalists. 25% of the land of a country should be forest. But in our country 16% of the land is forest. So it is very imperative to grow more trees in our country. Of all the seasons rainy season is the best time for tree plantation. We can plant trees around our dwelling places and in open places. Moreover, trees can be planted by the roads, rivers, canals and playing fields. Awareness should be raised and campaign should be launched to motivate people for tree plantation. Thus we can make the tree plantation programme a success, and the earth greener, cleaner and safer for mankind.
Paragraph Tree Plantation for SSC & HSC
- (a) What does tree plantation mean?
- (b) Why is tree plantation essential?
- (c) How do trees come to help us?
- (d) What will happen if we do not plant more trees?
- (e) Which months are suitable time for planting trees in our country?
Tree plantation means planting more trees in a planned way. It is very essential for our survival on earth. But we are cutting down of trees recklessly and thereby endangering our own lives. The world’s temperatures are getting warmer gradually. Plantation of trees is thus a crying need of the time. Other than the aforesaid issue, trees come to our help in many ways. Trees take carbon dioxide, give us oxygen and prevent air pollution. They also give us shelter, shade, foods, fruits etc. They help our environment in many ways. They prevent soil erosion. They make our land fertile. They save us from droughts, floods, cyclones etc. They prevent our region from becoming a desert. Without sufficient trees, there will be less rainfall in the country. The climate will be hot. Different kinds of natural disasters will come. People will suffer from the shortage of food, shade and oxygen. Birds and animals will lose their habitats. There will be no ecological balance. A country should have at least 25% forest lands. But there are no sufficient forest lands in our country. So, necessary steps should be taken to have more trees. People should be conscious about planting more trees. The mass media like TV and radio can play a great role in this regard. To lead peaceful life, we have to plant more trees. In our country, July and August are the suitable time for planting trees. During that time we should plant more and more trees. If we do not plant more trees, our existence will be no longer in the world.
Paragraph Tree Plantation for Class 6&7
Tree plantation means planting trees in a planned way. Trees are an important element of our environment. They are our friends. They give us oxygen and take carbon-di-oxide. They maintain the balance of nature. They give us food, shade and shelter . We get fuel and wood from trees. They save land from erosion . They prevent natural calamities. So we should not cut down trees. Rather we should plant more and more trees. June and July are the proper time for planting trees. We can plant trees on the banks of ponds, canals and rivers, on the road sides, by the sides of rail lines etc. We should preserve the planted trees. Public awareness should be raised to make the tree plantation programme successful.
বৃক্ষরোপন বলতে পরিকল্পিতভাবে গাছ লাগানোকে বোঝায়। গাছ আমাদের পরিবেশের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান । তারা আমাদের বন্ধু। তারা আমাদের অক্সিজেন প্রদান করে এ কার্বন-ডাই-অক্সাইড গ্রহণ করে। তারা আমাদের প্রকৃতির ভারসাম্য রক্ষা করে। তারা আমাদের খাদ্য, ছায়া ও আশ্রয় প্রদান করে। আমরা গাছ থেকে জ্বালানি ও কাঠ পাই। তারা ভূমিকে ক্ষয় থেকে রক্ষা করে। তারা প্রাকৃতিক দূর্যোগ প্রতিরোধ করে। সুতরাং আমাদের গাছাকাটা উচিত নয়। বরং আমাদের বেশী বেশী গাছ লাগানো উচিত। জুন ও জুলাই গাছ লাগানোর উপযুক্ত সময়। আমরা পুকুর, খাল ও নদীর ধারে, রাস্তার পাশে, রেল লাইন ইত্যাদির পাশে গাছ লাগাতে পারি। লাগানো গাছগুলো আমাদের সংরক্ষণ করা উচিত। বৃক্ষরোপন কর্মসূচীকে সফল করার জন্য জনসচেতনতা সৃষ্টি করা উচিত।
Tree Plantation composition
Nature is full of many useful and important wealth. The tree is one of the most useful and important elements of Nature. It is one of the best friends of men, animals and birds. A tree keeps environment and climate of a area balanced and sound. We can not do even a day without the blessings of trees. So it is our bounden duty to plant more trees and take care of them properly. Tree plantation means planting more and more trees around our houses, highways, rail lines, offices and roads.
Value/utility : The value of trees in our life is very great. Its importance (value) is stated below :
a. A tree is a great source of fruits and vitamins which give us vital force.
b. It is the root source of wood which is used for making furniture and houses, shops, ships and steamers.
c. It is also a great source of many valuable medicines which save our life.
Composition Writing: Tree Plantation
There is a huge scope of tree plantation in our country. Sea-beaches, low-lying and unused lands can be used for tree plantation. We can plant trees on both sides of the roads and highways.
Short Composition on Tree Plantation
Introduction: Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. We know that the tree is our best friend on the earth. It is essential for the environmental balance. It is essential to our existence. We cannot live without it.
Deforestation and its result: We cut down trees for many reasons. We cut down trees to get timber and firewood. We also use trees as our housing material. For this, we cut trees. Cutting of too many trees leads the world to the desert. It is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Birds and animals are losing their habits. Many of them have already been extinct. For too much heat, the polar ice caps will melt. Most of the parts of the world will be flooded. There will be no ecological balance. Thus, the world will be unfit for living.
Usefulness of trees: the tree is the most useful gift of nature. We cannot live without a tree. The tree provides us fresh oxygen, shade and shelter. The tree helps to keep the environment balanced. It prevents air pollution by taking carbon dioxide. It protects us from natural disasters.
Plantation: every person should plant trees. In empty space, trees should be planted. More and more trees should be planted on both sides of roads and embankments. Tree plantation campaign should be continued everywhere. Public awareness is essential to make the campaign successful.
Conclusion: we can say that we cannot live a single minute without trees. So, it is high time to plant trees and stop cutting down trees. We should plant more and more trees for our own existence. Both the governments and the countryman should come forward. The more we plant trees, the more we do good for us.
Tree Plantation
Trees are the most important gifts of nature. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relationship with nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance which is essential for the preservation of life on earth. They are our friends. They play an important role in our life and economy.
Trees are useful to us in many ways. We get from trees different kinds of nutritious fruits which make us healthy and protect us from diseases. By taking carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen in the air, trees help us to exist on earth.
Trees give shade and shelter to many people. Trees make the land fertile and save the soil from erosion Trees attract rains. We get timber from trees. We use timbers in making houses, furniture, etc. Trees are used as fuel. Trees are also our source of income, We can earn a lot of money by selling fruits and timber.
Bangladesh is mostly a flat and riverine country. Lands in the upper region of the river are highly suitable for the growth and development of trees. Seabeaches, low-lying unused lands, sides of the
highways and roads can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. Again, in the hilly areas of Chattogram Hill Tracts and Sylhet there are many lands left unused. These lands can also be brought under the plantation programme.
June and July are the most suitable period for planting trees in our country. Both government and private sectors should come forward to raise consciousness people about the importance of tree plantation.
Trees and forests bear a great impact on climate. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy climate for her people. If we destroy trees randomly, one day the country will turn into a desert. As a result the country will face a great crisis because our country is dependent upon agriculture.
Tree plantation is, by far, one of our most important duties. It is essential to prevent greenhouse effect. So tree plantation is a must.
Tree Plantation Composition:
Introduction: Tree plantation means planting more and more trees for our healthier and happier life. Trees are the best friend of man on the earth. Tree provides us oxygen. Without trees, We cannot think of our life. Trees are the part and parcel of our life.
Deforestation and its result: Deforestation means cutting down trees at large number. There are many reasons behind deforestation. We cut down trees to get firewood and furniture. We make houses by tree wood. If we cutting trees at large number, one day the country will turn into a great desirt. There will be no rain and the country and the earth will face green house effect. Birds and animals are losing their houses and shelter. Many of them have already been died. For too green house effect, the polar ice caps will melt. Most of the parts of the world will be flooded. There will be no ecological balance. Thus, the world will be unfit for living.
Usefulness of trees: Trees are the most valuable gift of allah. Our Existent on earth depends on trees. We cannot lives on earth without them. The tree gives us oxygen, foods and shelter. The tree helps to keep the environment pure and fresh. It prevents air pollution by taking carbon dioxide. Trees protect us from floods and other natural calamities.
Plantation: Trees are our best friend. The provides us food, shelter and oxygen. So, we should plant trees. In our country, there are many empty space. We can plant trees on these empty space. We can plant trees beside highways and on the bank of the rivers. We can plant trees in front of our houses. More trees should be planted on both sides of highways.
Conclusion: Trees are the part and parcel of our life. Our lives are impossible on earth without trees. They are the best friend of us. They proves us our daily necessaries. So, it is high time to plant more and more trees for our existence on earth. And we should not cut down more trees. Our government should take necessary steps to stop cutting down more trees and should take necessary steps to plant more trees. We need to be aware about tree plantation. We should plant trees more and more. If we do so, We can lead a healthy and happier life on earth.
Introduction: Tree plantation is a process of planting trees as much as you can in a planning way. Today it is not just about planting trees, it is a movement all over the world. People almost depend entirely on trees for their living. So, there is a need to plant and take care of trees to protect their own lives, environment, forest resources, and agricultural production. All religions also instruct planting trees and not cutting down trees or uproot them unnecessarily as they provide protection to living beings.
Period for planting trees: Generally, June, July, and August are the best time to plant trees. However, in Bangladesh, tree planting has been seen throughout the year recently. In a cold climate, early spring is the best time to plant trees. In a warm climate, from late winter or mid to late fall is the time to plant trees.
Introduction: Tree plantation is a process of planting trees as much as you can in a planning way. Today it is not just about planting trees, it is a movement all over the world. People almost depend entirely on trees for their living. So, there is a need to plant and take care of trees to protect their own lives, environment, forest resources, and agricultural production. All religions also instruct planting trees and not cutting down trees or uproot them unnecessarily as they provide protection to living beings.
Period for planting trees: Generally, June, July, and August are the best time to plant trees. However, in Bangladesh, tree planting has been seen throughout the year recently. In a cold climate, early spring is the best time to plant trees. In a warm climate, from late winter or mid to late fall is the time to plant trees.
Tree Plantation program: Tree plantation program refers to the activities undertaken by planting trees on a small or large scale in a planned manner. Small tree planting programs can be 50 to 100 trees or less in a place like a garden or local roadside. On the other hand, a large program involves planting thousands of trees that may take many days or weeks to complete. In fact, these programs encourage people to involve planting more trees.
Ways of planting more trees: Planting more trees is the most important and effective way to protect humans and the environment. People can also be encouraged to plant a large number of trees through tree plantation programs. The government of a country needs to take this agenda with high importance. Starting from educational institutions, the government should carry out tree plantation programs in all sectors. Afforestation boosts climate and environmental-related benefits. Steps can be taken as an individual, or as a community for encouraging, funding, seedling, planting, protect
Tree Plantation program: Tree plantation program refers to the activities undertaken by planting trees on a small or large scale in a planned manner. Small tree planting programs can be 50 to 100 trees or less in a place like a garden or local roadside. On the other hand, a large program involves planting thousands of trees that may take many days or weeks to complete. In fact, these programs encourage people to involve planting more trees.
Ways of planting more trees: Planting more trees is the most important and effective way to protect humans and the environment. People can also be encouraged to plant a large number of trees through tree plantation programs. The government of a country needs to take this agenda with high importance. Starting from educational institutions, the government should carry out tree plantation programs in all sectors. Afforestation boosts climate and environmental-related benefits. Steps can be taken as an individual, or as a community for encouraging, funding, seedling, planting, protect
Tree Plantation Paragraph:
Trees are an essential part of our environment There can be no doubt about the usefulness of trees. We need oxygen for living and trees to provide us with oxygen. Trees cause rainfall and thus prevent the spread of desert. Trees save our land from erosion and maintain the fertility of the soil. Trees give us shade. Trees give us food. We get crops and different delicious and juicy fruits from trees. Trees give shelter to many animals, insects, and birds. In this Way, trees help maintain ecological balance. We also get many products like wood, leaves, rubber, resin, fragrance honey etc. from trees. Paper is made from Wood and bamboo. We use wood as fuel and also need it for making things like houses, boats, and furniture. Trees make our world beautiful. It is very charming to look at trees. But the world is losing its trees in huge amount every year. We cut a lot of trees and destroy many forests for frazzling $30 cities, making new houses and for getting more Wood. If this trend continues, there will not be enough trees for maintaining ecological balances. Many countries are already turning into deserts due to the massive cutting of trees. Many species of birds and animals have also become extinct for want of food and habitat after the destruction of forests. Hence it has become an emergency to plant more trees. In Bangladesh, the rainy season is the best time for the plantation of trees. We can plant trees in any open places. around our houses, office buildings, factories, schools colleges, and hospitals. We should also plant trees on either side of the roads and in all available places.
Afforestation in Tree Plantation
In silviculture, the tree plantation activity is known as afforestation or reforestation. This process involves planting seedlings in an area where the forest has been damaged by a fire, disease, or harvested or got destroyed by some human activity. As we know that pollution is increasing at an alarming rate, different countries are making various strategies to fight with this situation, and tree plantation is one of the most important strategies that is being adopted. Many reforestation companies have also been formed, which are responsible for planting trees in the deforested lands. Trees remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen to the air, thus making the air quality better for living beings. The knowledge gained through this paragraph shows the importance of tree plantation essays.
Benefits of Tree Plantation
Plants have a complete cycle of taking in Carbon DiOxide (CO2) and giving out Oxygen. Co2. Thus planting more trees would help in reducing the amount of CO2 that is present in the atmosphere.
The more the number of trees are planted, the cleaner the air will get. Having enough oxygen and reduced CO2 would make the air clean and free from pollutants.
Plants also have the ability to naturally filter dirty water. Thus planting more trees would not only result in cleaner air, but it would also make the water clean too.
Temperature has been constantly fluctuating due to a decrease in the number of plants. Plants can maintain atmospheric temperatures. In hot regions, having more plants would help regulate the heat.
Trees and plants are home to many wild creatures. A lot of birds build their nests on trees. Plants support wildlife. Planting more trees would not only help humans but it will support the whole biodiversity.
Planting trees makes the environment immediately more beautiful. Trees help prevent soil erosion. They also absorb different pollutants and thus make the air-water and earth cleaner.
Deforestation can be described as voluntary cutting down forests. Trees are usually cut in large numbers to provide more space for humans. This is a direct result of the population explosion. People are looking for more land to build their homes or to make space for growing more crops. Forests are also being cut down to provide more wood that is used as a building material as well as fuel.
Up until a century ago, a lot of lands were covered by forests. Around 2000 years ago, almost 80% of the planet was covered in forests. However today only 20%-30% of those forests exist. The rate of destruction of forests is more than the rate of its replenishment. This means that if we continue to destroy our environment at this rate, soon no tree will be left on earth. Therefore humans need to control the destructive nature and plant more trees.
Disadvantages of Deforestation
Cutting down forests does not only destroy the beauty of nature but is also very harmful to every living creature.
Humans and animals produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and inhale Oxygen. This oxygen is not present naturally on the Earth. Rather it is created by the plants through a process that is known as photosynthesis. Cutting down a large number of trees will reduce the amount of oxygen that is present on the planet.
Forests are home to different types of living organisms. They support a lot of animals, insects, reptiles, and plants. Cutting down forests means the complete destruction of biodiversity. Many species of animals have already become extinct due to deforestation. The constant activity of deforestation will soon lead to an episode of mass extinction.
Trees not only support flora and fauna but are also responsible for maintaining the fertility of the soil. The roots of the plants hold the most fertile top layer of soil in place. When trees are cut, their roots are destroyed too. This leads to the problem of soil erosion.
Cutting down forests is like bringing a permanent change that is almost irreversible in nature. A lot of trees take 20- 30 years to grow back. During this time the birds and animals that have been surviving due to the trees, become extinct.
Tree Plantation in Different Countries
After European colonization, the forests in Australia have suffered a lot and were heavily affected. The Government and many individuals have attempted to restore the forests by massive tree plantations. One of the non-profit organizations known as Greening Australia has planted a total of 1 million trees in different regions of Australia and has become one of the major tree planting companies in the globe. As per the tree plantation essay, you can imagine how important it is.
Climate Change
Deforestation is one of the main reasons for the earth's climate change. As per some scientists, it is said that deforestation is responsible for around 18-25% of climate change. This is why some big organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, and other leading organizations are encouraging tree plantations worldwide. From this tree plantation essay, one can see the importance of tree plantation. The amount of carbon dioxide is increasing in the air, and that is because it is absorbing the UV rays of the sun and making the atmosphere warmer. Trees are the only way to overcome this problem because they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, thus making the air cleaner. From the tree plantation essay in English, it is proved that tree plantation is very much needed in today's time.
A Short Essay on Tree Plantation
In simpler words, tree plantation means to plant seedlings in the ground for growing more trees in an area. Tree plantation is very much required in countries where deforestation has increased a lot. With tree plantation, one can restrict the problems that may arise due to deforestation. One of the major problems of deforestation, which is pollution, can be reduced to some extent through the increased rate of tree plantation. In this short paragraph on tree plantation, it is cleared that tree plantation is very important.According to a tree plantation paragraph for Class 10, it is said that a reduced rate of tree plantation on heavy deforestation areas can cause climate change because deforestation increases the level of carbon dioxide, and without the required amount of tree, it is difficult to remove it from the air.Through this short essay on tree plantation, one can get some idea of what are the true requirements of tree plantation in today’s time and why it is so important for the world.
With this tree plantation essay, it is clear that tree plantation is the key to save the earth from pollution. This is why many countries have now started to concentrate on increasing the rate of tree plantation to make the earth a safer place to live for the future generation. One may have learned all this in tree plantation in school essays. Every country should aim to increase afforestation rather than deforestation. Tree planting is cost-effective, thus making it simpler to achieve the goal of making the earth a safer place by making it free from pollution. The effects of climate change can also be controlled by increasing the rate of tree plantation.
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