Sufix and prefix: Honesty is opposite to, Man is the best, Education develops our mind, (a) Patriot is a noble virtue, Bangladesh is our birth land

61. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Honesty is opposite to (a)honesty. An honest man is never (b)harm to anybody. He never does (c) justice to others. When he does anything (d) moral, he feels (e) remorse. He never tells a lie. He is always (f) care to his duty. He is rewarded in the long run. We should follow the path of (g) honest and leave off the path of (h) honesty.
Ans: (a) dishonesty (b) harmful (c) injustice (d) immoral (e) remorseful (f) careful (g) honesty (h) dishonesty
62. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Man is the best (a) create of Allah. He is a (b) ration being. Allah has created man with such gift of achieving (c)world affluence along with spiritual (d) perfect. He has to do a lot but his life is short. The (e) short of life has added a new value to human life. The (f) add of the new value is tragic to man. People who believe in (g) spiritual of life are indifferent to worldly life. They give more (h) important to spiritual.
Answer: (a) creation (b) rational (c) worldly (d) perfection (e) shortness (f) addition (g) spirituality (h) importance
63. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Education develops our mind through (a) form learning. The mental and (b) intellect training is also provided by education. Again, the purpose of education is to (c) lighten the individual. The(d) promote individuals capacity is also its purpose. Education (e) noble our mind and refines our (f) sensible. So, there are (g) vary advantages of education. You cannot find any(h)advantage of education.
Ans: (a) formal (b) intellectual (c) enlighten (d) promotion (e) ennobles (f) sensibility (g) various (h) disadvantage
64. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a) Patriot is a noble virtue. It is an (b) emotion love for one’s country. It is the (c) inspire for a man to shed every drop of blood of defend the (d) liberate and dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be (e) mere a so called slogan in the public (f) meet to deceive the people. We should have (g) fix it in the core of our heart. We should keep (h) our in such noble virtue.
Ans: (a) Patriotism (b) emotional (c) inspiration (d) liberty (e) merely (f) fixed (g)materialize (h) ourselves
65. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a) beauty. It is an (b) agriculture country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c) direct depend on agriculture for their(d) live. Many important industrious are (e) depend on agriculture products. Farmers are sometimes(f) help and depend on nature. If the rainfall is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g) regret that they hardly get water in time. The harvest causes (h) suffer to the entire population.
Answer: (a) beautiful (b) agricultural (c) indirectly (d) livelihood (e) dependent (f)helpless (g) regretful (h) suffering