Sufix and prefix: Ours is not a developed country, Nobody can expect a good result, Man can have, A book fair, Eve teaching is one,

Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Ours is not a developed country. We are (a) gradual developing. We are considered to be an (b) developed country because of many reasons. (c)Literacyis one of them. The government of the country is aware of these. So, measures have been taken for the (d) eradicateof illiteracy. It is true that literacy rate is (e) rapid progressing. The main reasons of it are (f) dishonest and (g) corrupt in every walk of life. Another reason is (h) obedienceto laws of the land.
Ans: (a) gradually (b) underdeveloped (c) illiteracy (d) eradication (e) rapidly (f)dishonesty (g) corruption (h) disobedience
Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good a) prepare. You should be b)prepare for it well ahead of the schedule. Some students remain c)prepare for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of d) prepare step they go to the teachers for a concise e)suggest. This is not a good practice. Slow but f)stead wins the race. Students have g)know to understand the meaning of this h)verb in order to build up a prosperous career.
Ans: (a) preparation (b) prepared (c) unprepared (d) preparatory (e) suggestion (f)steady (g) knowledge (h) proverb