Suffix and prefix: Everybody hates the, Addiction means, We should, (a)Religion belief, (a) Deforest

51. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.
Everybody hates the (a) honestpeople. On the other hand, honest people are always respected. Even children (b)like the dishonest people. A dishonest people. A dishonest man have (c)pomplife. But it is totally (d) possiblefor a dishonest person to find out (e)happy. Honest can offer you a (f) comfortlife. We are (g)hope that our younger generation will follow the path of (h)honest.
Ans: (a) dishonest (b) dislike (c) pompous (d) impossible (e) happiness (f) comfortable (g) hopeful (h) honesty
52. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Addiction means strong (a)attract for any (b) harmthing. Drug(c) addict means taking heroine, marijuana etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to (d)die. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a (e) globeproblems. Some steps can be taken to stop this problem. People should be made aware of the (f) merits of drugs. Those who are involved with the (g)legal business of drug should be punished strictly. Taking drug is definitely an (h) social act.
Ans: (a) attraction (b) harmful (c) addiction (d) death (e) global (f) demerits (g) illegal (h) antisocial
53. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
We should be (a) duty. Our sense of dutifulness is very (b) signifyin our day today life. We should be(c)self-rely. We should have (d)sincere in every (e) act. Those who do not work hard can not become (f) industry. Industry is the mother of success. To be (g) success in life we have to struggle (h) proper.
Answer: (a) dutiful (b) significant (c) self-reliant (d) sincerity (e) action (f) industrious (g) successful (h) properly
54. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a)Religionbelief is (b) signify. There are (c) differ types of (d) religion belief. No religion is of the (e)opine about (f) criticize other religions. If we citizen anything of any religion, it is nothing but (g) hallucinates. We should be (h) care of it.
Answer: (a) religious (b) significant (c) different (d) religious (e) opinion (f) criticizing (g) hallucination (h) careful
55. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
(a) Deforestis one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many (b) reaching effects on the environments. Many people cut down trees (c)discriminatebut they (d) hard think about the adverse effect it causes. In fact,(e)forestationthe act of cutting or (f) burnthe trees in an area by which trees can be decreased (g) rapid and (h) large.
Answer: (a) deforestation (b) far-reaching (c) indiscrimately (d) hardly (e) deforestation (f) burning (h) largely