Sufix and prefix: Paper, A good student, Truth, Man, E- Mail has brought,

66. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Paper is very useful material. Its (a) important cannot be described in words. In the past paper was (b) available. They used palm leaves barks, stones, etc to writes on. It cost much (c) convenience to them. With the (d) invent of paper this inconvenience has been removed. Now people can maintain data (e) easy. But it is (f) fortunate that they waste paper (g) discriminately. We should accept the (h) create rather than abusing it.
Ans: (a) importance (b) unable (c) inconvenience (d) invention (e) easily (f) unfortunate (g) indiscrimately (h) creation.
67. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
A good student studies (a) regular and (b) attentive. Inattentive and (c)regular activities are not for an (d) attention student. A good student is always serious in his activities. Lack of (e) serious is the sign of (f)lazy. Those who are lazy cannot be a good student. Everybody (g) likes them. There not (h)success in life.
Ans: (a) regularly (b) attentively (c) irregular (d) attentive (e) seriousness (f) laziness (g) dislikes (h) successful
68. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Truth is not (a) normal. It is (b)nature it(c)sure the spiritual peace of human mind. It(d) powers our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) lawful things are against the truth. We must speak (f) bold and clearly. (g) Kind is a condition of (h) truthful.
Answer: (a) abnormal (b) natural (c) ensures (d) empowers (e) unlawful (f) boldly (g) kindness (h) truthful
69. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
Man is the (a) make of his own fate. If he maintain (b) sincere and does his duty (c) according. He can (d) sure his improvement and e) prosper in life; but if he maintain and (f) sincere way of life, he will (g) sure repent. It will be a (h) disaster event in his life.
Ans: (a) maker (b) sincerity (c) accordingly (d) ensure (e) prosperity (f) insincere (g) surely (h) disastrous
70. Fill in the gapes use in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with root words underlined in the text.
E- Mail has brought about a revolution in modern (a) communicate. Message can be transmitted from one country to another country (b) in second. It is far (c) cheap than telephone calls. Trade and commerce become (d) great depend on this speed mode of (f) communicate. It has (g) deniably upgraded the whole world (h) significant.
Answer: (a) communication (b) within (c) cheaper (d) greatly (e) speedy (f) communication (g) undeniably (h) significantly