SSC Suggestion English 2nd paper Exam- 2014

SSC Suggestion English 2nd paper Exam- 2014

(Short Suggestion)

1.      The 21st February.
2.      Your national flag.
3.      Deforestation/tree plantation.
4.      A book fair.
5.      A street hawker.
6.      Environment pollution


1.      Journey by train/boat/bus.
2.      Science in everyday life.
3.      Computer.
4.      The duties of student
5.      Physical exercise


1.      Sinking a deep tube-well for safe water.
2.      Praying for TC/testimonial.
3.      For full free studentship/help from the poor fund/stipend.
4.      For repairing the damaged roads/construction a bridge.
5.      For enhancing common room/library facilities.


1.       Bayazid was a small boy……………………………………………………….
2.      An old farmer had three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. One day the farmer……..
3.      There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday……….
4.      A Shepherd boy …………none came.
5.      Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion……….
6.      Once there were a hare and tortoise in a certain village……………….
7.      There lived clever fox in a jungle. One day he tell into a trap as he was passing through..
8.      One day two rats found a loaf of bread. They failed to divide it in two…. 
9.      Once there lived a poor wood cutter ————————————.                                                                             


1.      A dialogue between you and your friend about your preparation for the S.S.C   examination.
2.      A dialogue between you and your friend about your plan after the S.S.C Examination.
3.      A dialogue between you and your friend about mobile phone.
4.      A dialogue between you and your friend about bad sides of illiteracy and how to eradicate it.
5.      A dialogue between doctor and patient.
6.      A dialogue between salesman and customer.
7.      A dialogue between you and your friend about importance of reading books/newspaper/tree plantation.

Summary writing

1.      Sincerity is the root of success of all works………………be sincere to our work.
2.      Good manners form an important part of our education……man in the true sense of the term.
3.      Newspaper plays a vital role in modern civilization……the good reports and avoids the bad ones.
4.      We have plenty of water around us but do not know what water is drink………..access to the information they need to know.
5.      Money can not buy happiness ………….practicale and pragmatic life.
6.      Air is an important element……healthier and happier.
7.      Traffic jam is a common ……a great extant.
8.      Education….. right and wrong way.
9.      Sports are popular…. Way.
10.      The secret of success… of time.