English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Seven 2022

Model Question-35
[Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]
Section A : Grammar – 30
1. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 0.5 × 8 = 4
Honesty is (a) —— great virtue. (b) —— honest man shines in life. On (c) —— other hand, a dishonest (d) —— man faces difficulties in life. For (e) —— development of an organization honesty is (f) —— must. If the citizens of a country are (g) —— honest it develops rapidly. A country lags (h) —— behind because of dishonest citizens.
2. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps. 0.5 × 8 = 4
to | in | for | with | of | by | from | to |
All the people of Bangladesh are quite familiar (a) —— street accidents. There are many reasons (b) —— street accidents. Roads and streets are constructed according (c) —— a modern plan. Our cities and towns remain full (d) —— traffic. Again the drivers are not expert (e) —— driving. Many of them are addicted (f) —— wine. They should abstain (g) —— addiction. It is seen that hundreds of people die (h) —— street accidents every year.
3. Complete the text using the words in the box as needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
banks | beautiful | water | season | boats |
difficult | places | rivers | many | time |
There are (a) —— rivers in Bangladesh. In the rainy (b) —— all the (c) —— are full to the brim. Then they look very (d) ——. Sometimes they overflow their (e) ——. For this reason many (f) —— go under (g) ——. At that (h) —— people cannot move easily. Then they need (i) ——. So life becomes (j) ——.
4. Make four sentences from the following substitution table. 1 × 4 = 4
a) The great Pyramid | compared | the setting of the sun to the end of life. |
b) It is | was | on the west bank of the Nile River. |
c) In fact, all the Pyramids along the Nile | are | built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu. |
d) They ancient Egyptians | located | on its west bank. |
5. Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 0.5 × 8 = 4
(a) ‘The old man and the sea’ is the most touching American novel. (Comparative) (b) It was written by Ernest Hemingway. (Active) (c) The Americans call him papa Hemingway. (Passive) (d) Santiago is the only character in the novel. (Negative) (e) Hemingway created a spiritual trend in the novel. (Interrogative)
6. Fill in the gaps with the right from of verbs in the brackets. Questions d and h have special instructions in the brackets for the use of the verbs. 0.5 × 8 = 4
There was a wicked woman in Arabia during the time of holy Prophet (Sm). She (a) —— (use) to (b) —— (put) thorns on the way of Prophet. Day after day it (c) —— (continue). The followers of Prophet (Sm) (d) —— (use ‘to be’ verb) angry. They (e) —— (want) to (f) —— (teach) her a good lesson but our Prophet (Sm) (g) —— (forbid) them (h) —— (‘do’ use infinitive) so.
7. Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. 0.5 × 8 = 4
what a wretched life a poor woman leads in our country said sahana she cannot work independently without taking help of others she depends on the pity of the people of the society.
Model Question-35 Solution
1. (a) a; (b) An; (c) the; (d) ´; (e) the; (f) a; (g) ´; (i) ´.
2. (a) with; (b) for; (c) to; (d) of; (e) in; (f) to; (g) from; (h) by.
3. (a) many; (b) season; (c) rivers; (d) beautiful; (e) banks; (f) places; (g) water; (h) time; (i) boats; (j) difficult.
4. (a) The great Pyramid was built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu.
(b) It is located on the west bank of the Nile River.
(c) In fact, all the Pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank.
(d) The ancient Egyptians compared the setting of the sun to the end of life.
5. (a) ‘The old man and the sea’ is more touching than any other American novel.
(b) Ernest Hemingway wrote it.
(c) He is called papa Hemingway by the Americans.
(d) Santiago is nothing but the character in the novel.
(e) Didn’t Hemingway create a spiritual trend in the novel.
6. (a) used; (b) put; (c) continued; (d) were; (e) wanted; (f) teach; (g) forbade; (h) to do.
7. “What a wretched life a poor woman leads in our country!” said Sahana. “She cannot work independently without taking help of others. She depends on the pity of the people of the society.”