H.S.C Final Super-Short Suggestions-2014 Comilla Board

H.S.C Final Super-Short Suggestions-2014

Comilla Board

Sub: English 1st & 2nd Papers

Full Marks: 100 & 100

Seen Comprehension: (Q: 1-4 & 5-8)

U-01 L-3: In the past, the common form of marriage ………………………….dilemma for them. *

U-01 L-5: The present age is marked not only …………………………………………in modern times. ***

 U-03 L-1: ‘Communicative competence’ refers to the ability ……………….designed to do. ***

U-03 L-2: Statistics show that about 350 million people ………………………….jobs and better salaries. **

U-04 L-4: Bonsai is the art of growing trees ………………………… pastime but also a money-maker.

U-05 L-6: His name was Jerry; he had been at ……………………………………..firm granite of his character. ***

U-06 L-1: The environment refers to the air, water ………………………………… kinds of natural disasters. ***

 U-06 L-2: The world is producing millions of ……………………………………..………for further pollution. *

U-06 L-3: In recent years, there have been ……………………………………….go under water. ***

U-06 L-4: Humans, animals, and plants are …………………………………………………..to be kind to mankind. **

U-06 L-5: Every year millions of people ………………………………….to avert these unnecessary diseases. ***

U-07 L-5: How safe will the buildings in the …………………………………………………..to reduce the losses. ***

U-08 L-3: The unit by which the loudness of sound ………………………..sound heard inside the buildings. **

U-09 L-1: Education is the process by ………………………………………………..How right he was! ***

U-10 L-1: Television has become the most …………………………………learning style too. *

U-10 L-4: There have been significant changes …………………………..sports entertainment. **

 U-11 L-1: A society’s culture is made up of all ……………………………………….is considered inappropriate.

U-11 L-7: The British have a reputation for ……………………………………..British colleges and universities. *

U-12 L-1: Shaheed Dr. Shamsuzzoha is ……………………………….breathed his last at 4 p.m. *

U-12 L-3: Rabindranath, the fourteenth child …………………qualifications of distinction. **

 U-12 L-6: Stephen Hawking was born ………………………………………………………..his physical well-being. **

U-13 L-3: Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters …………………… collecting food for survival.

U-14 L-1: Literacy as a skill was first ……………………………………………..skills within a particular culture. **

U-14 L-3: One very conspicuous change in ……………………………………….twice over in order to survive. ***

U-15 L-2: Education is one of the basic needs ………………………..…………….for social development. ***

U-15 L-3: Working opportunities for women ………………………….created by the ILO project. ***

U-15 L-6: UNICEF stood originally for …………………………….rehabilitation programmes in Bangladesh. ***

U-16 L-3: It has been over three hundred years ………………………………….on moonlit night. *

U-16 L-4: The Great Wall of China is the largest defence ………………………….. during the Ming dynasty.

U-17 L-6: Electronic mail, popularly known as ‘e-mail’ ………………………………..for important purposes. **

U-18 L-2: Though a small country, Bangladesh …………………………21-member international committee. **

U-20 L-2: An efficient banking system, …………………………………..in Bangladesh and in other countries. **

U-20 L-3: Ismail Hossain is an affluent man ………………………..recognition for his outstanding success.” **

U-21 L-1: ‘Globalisation’ has become a buzzword …………………..better place to live in. *

U-21 L-2: Capitalism developed in the European ………………………allow this to happen?

U-21 L-3: Globalisation is now largely based on …………………………….makes possible.

U-21 L-4: Sports are a popular form of entertainment ……………………………big way to this. ***

U-21 L-5: Although globalisation is mainly connected …………………….cultural identity.

U-21 L-6: The process of globalisation obviously requires ……………………..of the language. *

U-22 L-2: Scientists have always wondered if there ……………………………….to Earth by these probes. ***

U-23 L-1: The last century is over, but it will ……………………………………….positive human achievement. **

U-23 L-2: The most significant event for …………………………………………against injustice and oppression. **

U-23 L-3: Feeding the ever growing population …………………………firms and institutions. **

 U-23 L-4: In the last 25 years alone, the world has …………………………………….. ‘polluter pays’ principle. *

 U-24 L-4: Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins ……………………own individual life. ***

** Phrases & Idioms: (Q: 5)

A bed of roses

A black sheep

A bone of contention

A man of letters

A storm in a tea-cup

A white elephant

Above all

All on a sudden

An irony of fate

Apple of discord

Apple of one’s eye

As a result/consequence

As soon as

As though / As if

As well as

Ask for

At a glace

At a loss

At a stretch

At all

At daggers drawn

At length / large

At random

At sixes and sevens

At stake

At the outset

At the sight of

Bad blood

Beat about the bush

Beggar description

Beyond one’s means

Big guns

Black and blue

Blue blood

Bread and butter

Bring to book

Bring to light

Burning question

By all means

By dint of

By hook or by crook

By means of

Call up / Call to mind

Catch sight of

Cats and dogs

Chicken hearted

Come round

Come to light

Commit something to memory

Cope with

Cut a good/bad figure

Cut off

Die for

Drop out

End in smoke

Every nook and corner

Far and near

Far and wide

Fight shy of

Fish out of water

Flesh and blood

For good

For the purpose of

For the sake of

From time immemorial

Gala day

Get by heart

Get rid of

Give up

Give vent to

Go through

Golden age

Good for nothing

Hanker after

Hard and fast

Hard nut to crack

Hard up

Heart and soul

Hold good

Hold water

Hue and cry

In a body

In a nutshell

In front of

In full swing

In lieu of

In no time

In order to

In spite of

In the event of

In the guise of

In the least

In the long run

In the mean time

Ins and outs

Instead of

Jump at an offer

Keep body and soul together

Knock at the door

Know no bounds

Lean against

Learn by heart

Leave no stone unturned

Lion’s share

Look down upon

Look forward to

Maiden speech

Make both ends meet

Make fun of

Make up

Make up one’s mind

Nip in the bud

Null and void

Of one’s own accord

Off and on

On behalf of

On the contrary

On the eve of

On the instant

On the sly

On the wane

On the whole

Once for all

Open secret


Out and out

Pandora’s box

Part and parcel

Pros and cons

Put up with

Rainy day

Run short

Safe and sound

Sine die

Stone’s throw

Take after

Take one to task

Take place

Tell upon

Throw dust in one’s eyes

To and fro

Tooth and nail

Ups and downs

Weal and woe

Well off

Report Writing: (Q: 9)

 01.On a massive fire on a garment factory ***

02. On prize/award-giving ceremony to the meritorious students ***

03. On the ruinous consequences of drug addiction ***

04. On the traffic jam ***

05. On a road accident you have witnessed *** 

06.  On price hike of essential commodities ***

07. On the miseries of Savar tragedy ***

Paragraph Writing: (Q: 13 OR 9)

01. Greenhouse Effect / Global Warming * **

02. Effects of Dowry / Dowry System ***

03. Female Education / Empowerment of Women ***

04. Eve-teasing **

05. Natural Disasters / Calamities in Bangladesh ***

06. Book Fair **

07. Satellite TV Channels ***

08. Load Shedding

09. Gender Discrimination **

 Composition Writing: (Q: 10)

01. Uses and Abuses of Wonders of Modern Science ***

02. Childhood Memories ***

03. The Uses and Abuses of Satellite TV Channels ***

04. Unemployment Problem ***

05. The Utilities and Evils of Internet ***

 06. Deforestation and Its Effects on the Environment *

07. Women’s Role or Struggle in the Society / Female Education **

08. The Dangers of Drug Addiction **

09. Students and Social Services **

 Letter Writing: (Q: 11)

Personal Letter:

 01. Giving younger brother hints for improvement in English *

Academic Letter:

 01. To the Principal seeking permission to go on a study tour / an excursion *** 02. To the Principal for seeking permission to stage a drama / to arrange a cultural function ***

03. To the Principal for enhancing facilities in the college library / common room / canteen / hostel ***

04. To the Principal for organising a computer club literary club / spoken club / language lab **

05. To the Principal for a seat in the college hostel **

06. To the Principal requesting him to change one of your elective subjects **

Public Letter:

01. To the Editor of a newspaper for taking action by the concerned authority against mosquito menace / load-shedding *

 Letter of Application:

01. To the Upazilla / Union Council Chairman for repairing road / constructing a bridge / community centre / culvert **

Cover Letter with CV:

 01. For the post of lecturer / senior or assistant teacher / English teacher *

Dialogue Writing: (Q: 12)

 01. Customer and shopkeeper / You and book-seller ***

02. About the admission in a university / future course of studies / choice of career ***

03. About the bad effects of student politics ***

04. On the abuses of mobile phone particularly by teenagers ***

05. About load-shedding between two HSC candidates *

06. About the causes of road accidents in our country **

07. About the preparation of HSC Examination ***

08. About visiting a book fair **

09. On the results of your college in the HSC Exam **

Story Writing: (Q: 13)

01. A shepherd boy and a tiger ***

02. The woodcutter and the water-goddess ***

03. The happy cobbler and money / Money cannot buy happiness ***

04. Slow and steady wins the race / Hare and tortoise ***

05. A dog with a piece of meat over a bridge / Grasp all, lose all ***

06. An astrologer and a king *

07. A greedy man and his goose / Grasp all, lose all ***

08. King Lear and his three daughters **

09. Dress does not make a man great / Sheikh Saadi’s dress ***

10. The clever fox and the foolish crow **

11. A sleeping lion and a little mouse ***

12. Who will bell the cat? *

13. A thirsty crow and a jar / Where there is a will, there is a way **

14. The wisdom of King Solomon *

15. An old farmer and his quarrelsome sons / Unity is strength **

16. Robert Bruce and the spider *

17. A powerful man and a saint in a city / Love can conquer everything **